Thursday, April 14, 2011

What I Did 365 - Day 156

Most of the time I'm a pretty diligent student. Sure, I fall behind on my readings, and I submitted my most recent assignment at 11.56pm for a midnight deadline, but overall I'm a decent kind of girl. Yesterday morning though, I didn't quite make it to class. I only have one class on a Wednesday. It runs from 8-10am, and involves me driving almost an hour and a half in peak traffic, only to race out of class less than two hours later to be back on the other side of the world in time for work. I definitely didn't pick the most convenient uni. Anyway. Yesterday I got up at 6am and got ready for uni. Then I glimpsed my registered post "sorry we missed you" card on the table. And smelt my disgustingly dirty hair. And tripped over the giant pile of laundry on the bedroom floor. And remembered the sum of money we owed the mechanic. And considered my dire need to get some items at the shops. My resolve vomited in its mouth a little, and that was that. Instead of lugging my backpack out the door, I declared Mundane Madness and got to work. By the time I skipped through the door at work (10 minutes early, I might add!) I had washed my hair, done 2 loads of laundry, picked up my registered mail at the post office, paid our mechanic, and shopped at Rockingham for some essentials. It felt amazing to get on top of the little things that had been piling up!

Oh, and the relevance of the photo above? That would be my registered post - a $4 wig I picked up off eBay! And you just thought my hair had grown insanely since December, didn't you? *wink*

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