Wednesday, February 9, 2011

What I Did 365 - Day 97

Ka-ching! Happy Australia Day! To be honest I have a love-hate relationship with Australia Day... in that I love Australia, but I hate the day that we put aside to celebrate it. For many Australians these days, it's traditionally the big old booze-up, because that's what Aussies do best apparently. Ick. For me it's really just a non-event. Maybe the fact that I was one of the only Australians at work on this public holiday contributes to my distaste. Anyway. I got home from work EXHAUSTED. I had plans to spend the evening chilling on the foreshore with my friends, but I couldn't summon the energy. Instead Chris and I celebrated Australia Day with grilled lamb skewers, naan bread and a bottle of Zibibbo. And were in bed by 9. Because we're the coolest couple in K-towwwwwn.

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