Thursday, November 18, 2010

What I Did 365 - Day 29

Last night I.... wore my bestie to bed. We made these hot pink T-shirts with Kat's face on them for her hen's night last year. And I'm here to admit... I still wear mine. It's the most massive, comfortable T-shirt I own!!! So yesterday I actually did some really lovely things - I had a strawberry smoothie for breakfast, met Amy for coffee after work, had amazingly delicious tacos with my Paradox friends, and had a girly movie night watching Notting Hill. At least seven or eight times I said "I've got to take a photo when there's better light!" And yet... the photo above is all I have of the day. Sigh. So many opportunities wasted! It helps a bit that Kat looks like a zombie though. I enjoy that.

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