Thursday, October 28, 2010

What i Did 365 - Day 10

So, like, droooool. Strawberries dipped in dark chocolate are such a luxury to me! Today I haven't really looked for excitement. I slept in (which is a luxury in itself I guess, but not something I can convey well via photo!!) I watched an episode of Glee while I ate a fairly plain breakfast. And then I scrambled off to work. My day was FLAT OUT - just one of those days where everybody in the universe is calling to ask questions! All I could think about was the strawberries and chocolate mousse I'd stowed away in the fridge!! Finally after a particularly stressful bout of phone calls, I stood boldly and raced down to the kitchen to prepare my dessert-style snack, thinking "I soooo deserve this!" Always healthy to reward yourself with food, right? It was delicious, and at 2.5 Weight Watchers points... entirely guilt free! Yay me!

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